
PreIB 'brobygning'

There is room for everyone who wants to experience the study enviroment at Viborg Katedralskole. The students and teachers will give you a taste of everyday life as a student if you choose to visit the school for 'brobygning.'


You and your classmates will meet up in front of the pillars in the schoolyard where our students will be welcoming you. They will be there with a sign saying ‘IB’. Go straight to them when you arrive, and they will ensure that you get safely through to the introduction on the first day.


The school day

We start at 8.00 and we have 4 lessons in a school day. The lunch break is from 11.55-12.25. During the lunch break, you can either sit in your classroom or in the school canteen, where you can also buy lunch.

You will have classes with the other students in ‘brobygning’ and visit the PreIB classes in a few lessons. If you're visiting the school in week 10, you can see your schedule here, and If you're visiting the school in week 13, you can see your schedule here

Tuesday and Wednesday we finish at 13.35 and Thursday at 13.

We expect you to participate actively in the lessons and bring pen/pencil, a calculator and a laptop.